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National In Pakistan
Memberships on Editorial Boards




National In Pakistan

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Memberships on Editorial Boards

1.       Fellow, Royal Entomological Society, London.

2.       Member, Entomological Society of America, USA.

3.       Member, The Society of Population Ecology, Japan.

4.       Member, Association of Asian Farming Systems, Res. & Ext. Practitioners, Thailand.

5.       Member, ICIPE Alumni Association, Nairobi, Kenya.

6.       Fellow Entomological Society of India, India.

7.       Fellow, Zoological Society of Pakistan, Lahore.

8.       Member, Crop Protection Association of Pakistan, Islamabad.

9.       Fellow, Entomological Society of Karachi, Karachi.

10.    Member, Pakistan Entomological Society, Faisalabad.

11.    Member, Pakistan Weed Science Society, Islamabad.

12.    Ex-Member, Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, USA.

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